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Doctor Big Vapes E Liquid
You are unique. When it comes to your vaping experience, you want something different—something off the beaten path. You don’t go for the more typical, “normal” flavors, like Very Berry, Vanilla, or even Strawberry Lemonade. You want something that packs a punch, flavor-wise, but still has an even, enjoyable feel when vaping. You’re looking for the perfect combination of flavor and feel. If this describes you on a spiritual level, then the Doctor Big Vapes Collection was made for you. The blends in this collection are unusual and delicious, created to appeal to anyone that likes fruity, sweet tastes. The first e-juice is Wild Berry Limeade, a sweet, tart e-juice that is a mix of berries (strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry) and limeade. Taking a hit from this blend is a bit like taking a drink of berry-infused limeade: sweet, sour, and totally refreshing. Like a cold drink on a hot day, Wild Berry Limeade is a crisp vape with a sweet taste. The other blend, Patch’s, combines watermelon, raspberry, and gummy rings to make a fruit-candy flavor that mixes together beautifully. It’s a candy treat without the calories, so you can enjoy it whenever you’d like. Whether you enjoy this vape as an after-meal dessert or just as an anytime-treat, it is sure to be a pleasant experience! This collection is a must-have for anyone that loves fruit and/or tart flavors. Get them both so you can go back and forth whenever you are looking for a tasty break. And with Dr. Big Vapes, you are guaranteed a smooth, full flavor with every session; it’s as relaxing and enjoyable on the first vape as it is the last. So don’t hesitate with these scrumptious blends; you’ll be glad you invested in these tangy flavors! Grab this collection today and treat your senses to a unique treat. This product is brought to you by Big Bottle Co. E Liquid.