Is Vape Withdrawal A Real Thing?
30th Oct 2021

Vape withdrawal symptoms are a result of your desire for nicotine content. Frequent vaping affects your brain, causing endorphins to be released. Immediately you stop feeding your brain with nicotine from vape e-liquid, the pleasure response is immediately cut off. Vapes such as JUUL contain highly addictive nicotine content. Once your brain becomes addicted to nicotine, you can not do without it.
Is Vape Withdrawal A Real Thing?
Nicotine is just as addictive as drugs like cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana; it contains chemicals that can foster the rise of smoke-related diseases such as lung cancer and heart problems. Many people quit smoking to avoid all these issues.
The nicotine level drops when you stop vaping, resulting in withdrawal symptoms, such as a strong desire to continue vaping. Keep reading this guide to learn what you can replace it with and how to deal with vape withdrawal.
Vaping Withdrawal Symptoms
Vaping withdrawal symptoms can start showing just thirty minutes after your last vaping session. The period to which the symptoms will last depends on your addiction level. Some of the common withdrawal symptoms of vaping include:
Nicotine Cravings
One of the symptoms of vaping withdrawal is cravings. For instance, if you are a frequent vaper who wants to quit vaping, you will have the desire to feed your brain with nicotine from time to time. Also, you may suffer from sudden urges that will be triggered by stress or depression.
Using vape devices can lead to a rise and drop of nicotine levels in your blood. Essentially, this is due to your mind taking control of the neurochemicals that were affected by nicotine. In the end, you will experience vaping withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety and stimulation.
Depression and Fatigue
Depression can affect your body overall and make you feel lonely or sad. What's more? You may experience symptoms such as loss of memory. Additionally, you may experience other complications like loss of appetite and fatigue.
Nicotine also affects the subconscious part of the mind. Therefore, you may suffer from a lack of dreams and sleep. As a result, you will notice a change in your sleep pattern as you won't sleep as much as you used to.
Headaches and Lack of Concentration
Nicotine is in charge of feeding your body with adrenaline. As such, low nicotine concentration levels will make you feel as if you cannot concentrate at all. To avoid this, ensure you don't skip meals to stabilize your blood sugar level. Most vape addicts will testify that headaches are one of the signs of vape withdrawal. Essentially, this is a result of a change in chemical and oxygen levels in the brain. Lack of enough sleep can also cause you to have endless headaches.
The vape withdrawal timeline varies for every user since every individual has a different vaping level. Vaping withdrawal occurs for about two hours. After that, the nicotine levels start dropping until it stops affecting the body.
Mostly, vaping withdrawal starts kicking in between 2 and 24 hours after vaping. Keep in mind that your addiction level will determine the level of withdrawal that you will experience. For example, a daily vaper will have more severe and longer withdrawal symptoms than an individual who vapes less frequently.
Some individuals may also experience the following symptoms as a result of withdrawal from vaping:
- sweating
- restlessness
- tremors
- abdominal cramps
- constipation
It is not easy to manage some of these withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, they make it even harder for one to quit vaping. The good thing is: The withdrawal symptoms will fade away gradually as you abstain from vaping. Here are some of the things you can do to help you stay away from vaping.
Ensure you drink a lot of water to help ease withdrawal symptoms like sweating, fatigue, and headaches. Also, water helps to reduce any nicotine cravings that you may be having.
Eat Healthily
As you try to abstain from vaping, you may feel more hungry. Eat healthy snacks such as raw nuts to help you combat nicotine cravings. Doing this will ensure that your body is provided with the relevant nutrients it needs to fight against the withdrawal symptoms.
Be Ready for Cravings
It is not easy to quit vaping. During the first few days, you may have strong vape cravings. When this starts to occur, you need to have a plan to help you handle these craves. This way, you will be able to make a stand on whether you want to quit vaping or not.
Come Up with a Plan to Quit
A quitting plan may come in handy to help you handle your withdrawal symptoms. Make sure it's achievable and stick to it to the end. In turn, this will help you overcome any temptations of going back to vaping.
Limit Your Nicotine Intake
Most of the e-liquid flavors contain nicotine at high levels. However much fun it can be, it is still damaging to your body. Vape devices are now available in several designs and are affordable. Most people opt for these devices when they want to quit smoking. Unfortunately, this is where one is likely to find harmful chemicals.
Finding Substitutes to Vaping
Vaping can result in a physical oral habit. You may end up getting addicted to the point that you will not want to go without vaping. You can contact your doctor to advise on the best approaches to fight the withdrawal symptoms. There are also other alternatives that you can use to help you cope with the symptoms. If you are affected by the symptoms of withdrawal from vaping, you can try out some of the alternatives mentioned below.
Yoga and Meditation
Yoga and Meditation act as perfect vape alternatives to help you overcome the withdrawal symptoms. It is a perfect transition into a healthy lifestyle. As you meditate, your mind drifts into a deep state of relaxation and stress-freeness. You will at no point reach for a smoke after you try yoga or meditation.
IQOS - Heat
IQOS has healing abilities; instead of having a burning effect like cigarettes, IQOS is slightly harmful compared to vaping e-liquid products. Thousands of successful vapers who quit switched to using IQOS daily. You can try this product first before you decide to use the product. This will help you determine whether it is effective in helping you vape withdrawal.
Edibles range from THC- cookies to Tic-Tac CBD gummies. They act as great alternatives to people who want to switch from smoking content with nicotine. Edibles are slowly taking over the cannabis market. The best part is: Edibles can make you happy and enjoy a thrilling cannabis experience.
Nordic Spirit Bergamot
Nordic Spirit Bergamot is a new tobacco-free experience. All you need to do is place a pouch under your lower lip. You will start feeling a taste of fresh flavor that can last approximately an hour. Compared to the other alternatives, this option is a long-lasting alternative when it comes to dealing with vape withdrawal.
Marijuana/Hemp Flower
Vaping has been a common activity among most youths in the world of today. Nicotines' addictive nature makes it not a regular activity that one should entertain. Cannabis, on the other hand, is a more versatile alternative when it comes to withdrawal from vaping.
With marijuana, you can control the amount you ingest. Once you decide to open your mind to the ways that you can enjoy marijuana, you will never go back to vaping.
The Ploom is almost similar to the IQOS; this makes this option a good option for people who need to quit vaping. It uses the HeatFlow technology to ensure the tobacco sticks are effectively heated. Also, it comes with options that you can use to customize the device, and it has some of the high-quality tobacco blends that make it serve as a reputable vape alternative.
As much as it may be difficult to cope with the withdrawal, you need to seek the best vape alternative that can be effective for your body. Lastly, limit your sugar intake to avoid gaining a lot of weight as you try to quit smoking..
Vaping causes physical changes in your brain and body as it can be addictive. For these reasons, if you want to quit vaping, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. The withdrawal symptoms occur because your body will start craving nicotine. While there are many symptoms associated with vaping withdrawal, there are several alternatives that you can use to overcome them. You can choose the methods that you prefer to manage it.
For high-quality vape products and accessories, do not hesitate to visit We have a variety of alternative products that you can use to deal with withdrawal from vaping.