3 Vaping Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Nicholas Roberts

3rd Jun 2021

3 Vaping Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Vaping seemed to come out of nowhere. Now, it’s almost impossible to go somewhere without someone blowing a cloud. The industry has been evolving over the last few years and much has changed. 

There is a huge debate about the health risks of vaping, but we’ll save that for another article. Here we are going to go over a few fun facts about vaping, and where we can expect the industry to go in 2021. 

So let’s get down to business, here are 5 facts about vaping you probably didn’t know. 

Vaping is cheaper than smoking

If you normally smoke cigarettes, you can expect to save a ton of cash each year by switching to vaping. The average vaper only spends about $40 dollars a month on e-liquid. Someone who smokes regularly (let’s say a pack a day) spends on average $5 a day on cigarettes.

Vaping will still cost you a fair amount of cash, but it’s a much more cost-efficient alternative to smoking cigarettes. Liquids with higher nicotine content tend to last a bit longer too.  

So if you think cigarettes are burning a hole in your pocket, it might be time to make the switch!

Vapes are different from e-cigarettes

They often get mixed up because not many know the difference between the two. While they both vaporize e-liquid, they are quite different.


An e-cigarette is literally an electronic cigarette. It’s designed to simulate the feeling of smoking a real cigarette, but with vapor instead of smoke. They are almost all visually comparable to normal cigarettes, hence the name. 


What makes vapes special is that they come in many different forms. Some are big and bulky that blow massive clouds like the Yocan Uni Box Mod, while others are thin and slick  that provide a more incognito experience. 

Vaping has a massive culture

What started out as a small trend has transformed into a massive community of brands and consumers. You can customize your vape just the same as adding parts to your car. The modifications people have done are nothing less than impressive. 

Here are some of the things you can do to customize your vape:

  • Stronger batteries to improve overall function.
  • Customized bling for your vape.
  • Make your own e-liquid. 

The latter isn’t recommended unless you know what you’re doing. Some homemade e-liquids could contain some harmful material. 

There are endless Instagram and Youtube profiles that have crazy cool vape content. It seems like the world never runs out of ideas.

Closing thoughts

Vaping is always evolving. There are more regulations now, which means most of the growth is controlled. That isn’t to say that the big players aren’t always dropping cool new products. 

Nowadays a good mod won’t cost you that much. There’s a wide selection of cheap online vapes out there. Just always make sure you’re going with a reputable brand with good reviews. 

We hope now you have a better understanding of vaping, and can experience the phenomenon first hand.

Happy Vaping!