Battle of the Cigalikes: JUUL vs My. Von Erl vs MyJet


20th Sep 2016

Battle of the cigalikes

As vaping technology continues to take significant leaps forward, we've seen a recent rekindling of interest in the cigalike category. You're probably familiar with cigalike technology – these are the 'closed system,' small units frequently found at corner stores with small stick batteries and liquid cartridges that are designed to be disposable rather than refillable.

From the best known JUUL by Pax, to the MyJet to the European newcomer My. Von Erl, the game has certainly changed from the days of underpowered batteries and underwhelming juice. Today, we're doing a comparison of these three popular next-generation devices in order to give you some feedback on what to expect.

Performance: Typically this is the most important aspect of the any vapor device. As long as a vaper can get satisfaction from the device, they'll enjoy it and stick to it. In terms of battery life, the MyJet destroys both the Von Erl and JUUL cigalikes, side by side over a three day period counting the puffs on each the MyJet out performs both devices by at least two entire battery cycles. This is an important factor for those who may not have continuing access to a USB port, or who don't want to carry around charging cables. The Von Erl we're ranking second, because its micro USB port makes it compatible with just about every non-Apple electronics charger on the market. The JUUL may be the fastest to regain a full charge, but it suffers from the shortest lifespan of all three.

In terms of vaping performance this one is a bit trickier since there are different features to each product.

Juul starter kit

Let's start with the JUUL, which features non-refillable pods that come in a paltry four flavor offerings. The JUUL is what I call 'The Fix' because its 50 plus milligrams of nicotine per mililiter is not something most vapers would ever chain vape - the JUUL is designed for instant gratification. The nicotine in the JUUL Pods provides a bit more of a throat hit, which simulates that of a traditional cigarette. With flavors including Fruit Medley, Tobacco, Crème Brule and Mint, many formers smokers have gravitated towards this product because of the throaty hit and high nic levels that come closest to producing a smoke-like vapor. The JUUL is more for the heavy smoker that has tried quitting a few times and needs a higher dosage of nicotine to achieve success.

wismec myjet starter kit

The MyJet, unlike the JUUL, is available with both pre-filled pods and refillable pods. Since you are able to use your own liquid, this device is best suited to vapers who enjoy sampling a broader range of flavor options. Out of the three devices here, the MyJet is the most versatile in that sense, though the coils may be hit or miss from one pack to the next. When they work, though, it's an exceptional experience without the throat hit - but this may be a detractor for vapors who need to feel their cloud. The MyJet fills a void in that refillable cigalikes have been few and far between over the years. The MyJet requries either its express charger which uses an 18650 and is quite beefy, or a specific magstrip-style charger – this makes on-the-go use difficult and by needing to carry 18650s around largely defeats the purpose of a compact vape device.

my von erl cigalike

The My. Von Erl is the last of the competitors here, and typically the most well-reviewed of the three. While the quality of the JUUL contacts may be hit or miss the Von Erl does not suffer from these issues, its pods are virtually leak proof and in addition to house brands top-shelf mixers like Cuttwood and Frisco Vapor are offering their signature lines for the device. The Von Erl is about twice as thick as a JUUL, but that's still pretty small. My favorite thing with the Von Erl is that its 18mg pods hit as hard as the JUUL 50+ mg pods without the excessive nic punch. Cloud production is also arguably better than the other two. The big drawback on the My. Von Erl is the lack of refillable pods, even though the pods are a better value than the JUUL. The My Von Erl pods carry approximately 2.7 ml per pod, which is more than three times the volume of liquid in a JUUL pod. With its micro USB charger input, you can charge the device quickly and without needing to carry around an extra cord, given the ubiquity of such devices in modern society.

Like everything else vape-related, you'll have to make the choice that suits you best, but dollar for dollar the winner here in my book is the My. Von Erl, which bests its rivals in value, performance, and ease of use. In terms of flavor diversity it loses to the MyJet only because it does not allow you to use your own juice, but with the price of the pods and the brands available for it, that isn't too much of a deal breaker.