Does Vaping Dehydrate, and How Does It Affect Taste?

Abigail At Breazy

5th Jan 2018

One of the unfortunate consequences when you vape is dehydration. Vaping dehydration usually occurs for beginner who aren’t yet accustomed to tracking intake or the different sensations created by vaping. Luckily for vapers, this is a temporary condition, and with a little knowledge about vape products, and some water on hand, dehydration can be dealt with easily.

While vaping by itself doesn’t affect the vaper’s taste buds, it can be associated with loss of taste because dehydration is also a byproduct of vaping in excess. Keeping a tab on how much you vape and drinking plenty of water can help, whether or not you’re dehydrated or losing the taste of your vape.  

Why Does Vaping Dehydrate

The main reason for vaping dehydration can found in e-liquid. Propylene Glycol is one of the four major ingredients in e-liquid and the major cause of dehydration. The ingredient is a hygroscopic substance known as a humectant,  which absorbs and holds in water molecules, preventing them from being absorbed by the body. This is the reason vapers complain of being thirsty all the time, or of having dry mouth, and possibly even the cause of dark circles under the eyes in some extreme cases.

You may have heard that the clouds you exhale are primarily water vapor - while there are trace elements of e-liquid (and possibly nicotine) in your cloud, it's true that it's mostly water. And that water is extracted from your body during the vaping process, so you'll need to drink more to replace the liquid you're puffing out in the form of clouds.

Other factors can be the flavor ingredients to your vape, such as salt, caramel, sugar, and other chemicals. You may also be drinking tea or coffee or caffeinated drinks that has been known to cause dehydration. These different variables can contribute to dehydration.

Cures for Dehydration

Water is a good way for a vaper to combat dehydration, it's probably the best cure. However, it’s not the only cure. Any fluid intake, even the fluid found in normal solid foods, is often enough ‘water’ to stave off dehydration in a normal, healthy adult.

Everybody would drink more water if it didn’t taste like water. I know there are exceptions to everything, but I know very few people that like the taste of water. After all, water isn't coffee or soda or iced tea. It’s water. It’s boring. Don't think of that as a problem - even though it's still not great for you studies have shown that even soda can be effective in providing hydration, despite what you may have heard.

Does Dehydration Affect Taste

The main issue that people have attributing dehydration with loss of flavor is if you’ve been vaping the same flavor for too long. If you have a favorite flavor that you vape continuously for several days, you could suffer temporary taste burnout. Trying different e-juice recipes can help alleviate this issue.

Here at Breazy, we offer a variety of different flavors. Maybe you'll have a cereal flavor that you prefer during the morning, then a strong afternoon menthol to keep you awake. End your day with a milder, more relaxing flavor to compliment your nightcap. There's no rule on how many flavors you should have but make sure you have a nice rotation of e-liquids to keep your taste buds fresh.