Vaping and Hydration: What You Need to Know


19th Oct 2017

You’re standing outside with your friends, chatting it up and hitting your vapes, until, OH NO! YOU’RE UNBELIEVABLY THIRSTY! If this has happened to you, you’re not alone. Vape users may find themselves experiencing dehydration when vaping, which with proper measures can be easily prevented.

You may have heard the mistaken assertion that vapor clouds are “just water vapor.” While science shows that they also contain trace amounts of flavoring, PG, VG, and in some instances nicotine, your clouds are still mostly water vapor. That vapor is extracted from your body via the lungs, nose, and throat, so if you’re not constantly replenishing the water you lose from vaping, sooner than later you’re going to have an issue.

How to tell if you’re dehydrated:

One of the obvious signs is thirst. If you feel like you need a drink of water, or that your mouth is dry it could mean you’re dehydrated. Feeling like you have a lack of energy, really craving a sugary drink, or wanting to nap? Dehydrated. Lack of fluids can cause lethargy, which makes you feel run down and sleepy. Find yourself reaching for acetaminophen for that pounding headache? Could be dehydration.  Are your eyes super itchy and you want to claw them out? It may not be your allergies, it could be your lack of water! These are some obvious signs of dehydration, but there are many other warning signs of mild dehydration.

How to prevent dehydration while vaping:

As easy as it is to get dehydrated,keeping yourself hydrated is pretty simple. First and foremost, drink water! Drinking some good quality H2O is the easiest way to keep dehydration at bay. If water is what your body needs, plain water is the best you can get. It’s recommended to drink eight glasses of water a day, however, if you are a frequent vape user you may want to increase this based on your vape schedule. It never hurts to keep a bottle of water with you when you vape. One bad dehydration headache is enough to learn a lesson you won’t soon forget.

Watch your alcohol consumption while vaping. I know this might sound like a buzzkill but seriously, alcohol impacts how your body processes fluids, and can quickly dehydrate you. Mixing the two can lead to a mega dehydration headache supercharged with a hangover. It’s not a good mix. If you’re going to vape while you drink, try to alternate your alcoholic beverages with a glass of water. Your future self will thank you.

“Being dehydrated has me so tired, I could really go for a cup of coffee…” Let me stop you right there, it seems like a good idea to give you back your pep, but coffee and other caffeinated beverages are only going to dehydrate you more. Teas, sodas, and coffee are diuretics, meaning that your beverage of choice is only going to take more fluid out of your body. If you have the option, again it’s time to reach for some water instead. It may not give you the sudden sugar rush or caffeine boost, but restoring your hydration can give you back your energy.

Staying properly hydrated while vaping is always important, but it becomes crucial during the warm months. With the start of summer it’s best to exercise good judgement when vaping, mod in one hand, water in the other. Happy vaping!