What's It Like Quitting Vape Cold Turkey?


21st Sep 2017

What's It Like Quitting Vape Cold Turkey?


Vaping is a great thing, it's helped me quit cigarettes and become an all-around healthier person. I don't suffer from breathing problems anymore, my anxiety is down, I'm not as congested, and I finally don't smell like a chimney. Even though I've experienced all these benefits, I still asked myself questions. I was curious to know what it would be like if I tried to quit vaping cold turkey. I wanted to know if I was addicted to the sensation of vaping, or just the nicotine. So, I did a little experiment and wanted to share the results with you, dear vaper.


On day one, I told myself that I wasn't going to vape all day. The idea came to me during a session of morning thought-pondering while I was still lying in bed after waking up. Usually, one of the first things I do when I wake up is reach for my mod. There's nothing like morning vaping, especially with my routine cup of coffee. Today, though, I decided not to do it, curious to know what it would be like.


So I got out of bed and went about my 'college summer-break' morning routine. I woke up at eleven, started brewing my coffee, sat down with my laptop at the kitchen table, opened up Netflix, and started watching Twin Peaks. Once the coffee was ready, I poured a cup and returned to the table, breathing in the dark roast aroma and sipped at the hot liquid. Right about now, I'd normally be indulging in a few satisfying pulls of vapor, which always hits the spot first thing in the morning.


I reached for my mod, but it wasn't there.


This routine continued for the next week. Every morning: coffee, Twin Peaks, sitting at the table, and reaching for . . . nothing. To be completely honest, though, I felt okay.


I thought that I was going to struggle with not vaping so often, but the issues that came with quitting cigarettes didn't arise with quitting vape! I was surprised, and it made me really happy. So, I did some research on the topic and found out why I wasn't experiencing any type of withdrawal.


When you quit cigarettes, you're not only addicted to the nicotine, but also the thousands of chemical additives they contain. With vaping, though, it's simply the nicotine and the habit. This is much easier to make a break from, in my opinion. Although I did feel a small amount of discomfort in my chest after quitting vape, it didn't continue and I felt as if I never smoked.


After this experience, I've been able to limit my vaping throughout day. I was never really attracted to idea of lowering my nicotine levels gradually in order to quit, as whenever I did so the lower level wouldn't be satisfying, and I'd just go back to the previous level.


The process of stopping cold turkey, though, was effective. By doing this, I realized that I'm really not dependent on vaping and I only do it when I'm in the mood for the amazing flavor. It's something I enjoy, but it's also not something I depend on, which brought a smile to my face, since I was definitely dependent on cigarettes for quite a while. Vaping is amazing and it's an enjoyable part of my life, but it doesn't control me, and it isn't made to.