Why Is My Vape Producing Less Flavor?


6th Mar 2019

Why Is My Vape Producing Less Flavor?

Why Is My Vape Producing Less Flavor?

Have you noticed that your vape hasn’t been hitting as hard as it used to or you might expect? Are you not getting the same cloud or flavor production? If your vape has been experiencing these issues, we understand it's easy to become frustrated. But actually, this is a common issue that many vapers experience no matter what kind of device they're using.

Don’t worry! In this article, we’ll look at different potential issues that could troubleshoot this problem. With a little bit of care and maintenance, your vape will be up and running at its full potential again!


One possible reason that your vape is producing less vapor than normal is a weak battery. In many devices with a non-adjustable power output, as a battery drains the power output suffers. In some adjustable devices, the control chip will even scale down the mod's power output as batteries near the end of their charge cycle to preserve the cells. This isn’t true for all devices, and newer devices often are designed to deliver a constant voltage output, which means they don’t lose any power throughout the entire battery until it dies.

This could mean that your battery either needs a charge, or it's time for replacement. Most fixed-battery systems alert you with a light when the battery is low and in need of a charge. If you have a box mod, your screen display will most likely show exactly how much power you have left. If you try to keep battery life going by pushing your cells down really low, they might just die on you, though the best way to keep your cells strong for as long as possible is to charge them when they fall below 50 percent.

First, make sure your batteries are charged and that you're doing so in a safe way - if your mod has removable cells they should be taken out and charged on a standalone charger. If you’re new to purchasing and replacing batteries, then here at Breazy, you can read up about it in our Box Mod Battery Safety article.

If you find that you're having to recharge your batteries very frequently, or they're not delivering full power even fresh off the charger, it may be time to replace the cells, or the mod itself if the batteries aren't removable.


Another reason that your vape might be producing less vapor is because of an old or dirty coil. Coils have a relatively short lifespan, and while some will last for weeks you may find yourself getting only a few days' life out of some devices if you're a heavy vaper. Signs of a spent coil include muted flavor, poor vapor production, or a burnt taste that indicates your wicking has been roasted by an overheated coil.

Even if you properly prime and maintain your wicking, the metal in the coil itself can wear out after being heated to high temperatures and then cooling every time you press the button - that could be happening thousands of times a week! Coil wire and cotton also gunks up from unvaporized liquid particles. This is particularly a problem with juices that contain a lot of artificial sweeteners, as they don’t always vaporize cleanly. Even if the cotton wicking doesn't gunk up, it can break down over time and lose some of its ability to wick juice to the coil, negatively impacting vapor and flavor production.

Turn Up the Power

If you're using an adjustable mod and you've never been happy with your flavor or vapor production, maybe you just need some more power.

Most clearomizer tanks will offer a range of different coil heads designed for vapers with different tastes when it comes to the warmth and amount of vapor they'd like to produce. Check to see the power range your coil's manufacturer recommends, and if you've got room to increase the settings, crank it up. If you've hit your coil's limits and still want more, look for a pack of replacement coils designed to be pushed harder.

If you're vaping on a compact pod mod or other device without an adjustable power output, it may be that it's simply not designed for the kind of cloud chasing you'd like to do. In that case, consider looking into a box mod - many are beginner-friendly and come with most or all of the components you'll need to get started.

What Can You Do

Having a vape that's not producing the level of vapor you'd like is inconvenient, but most of the time it’s an easily fixable problem. The best thing that you can do is maintain your gear on a daily basis, and realize that the internal components will naturally wear out over time. Most devices are designed to handle a constant heating and cooling, but some parts of your device need to be kept in tip-top shape to have the maximum vapor potential.

If you’re concerned about the vapor production of your device, the easiest way to fix it is by making sure your coils and batteries are working at the top of their game and fully charged. No matter what you do, you’re eventually going to experience some tapering off on your device’s vapor output. Knowing how to fix it, once you're armed with the proper information, should be fast and easy.