Bringing Vaping to the Table: Thanksgiving Advice


22nd Nov 2018

Bringing Vaping to the Table: Thanksgiving Advice


Yes, there will be turkey and stuffing and gravy. But as you gather around the Thanksgiving table with your family and loved ones, there will also be questions. Plentiful and bountiful questions. A cornucopia of queries!

But even if some of the inquiries are annoying, be grateful for them, since we’re pretty sure this holiday is all about being thankful. Instead of resenting the curiosity, be grateful your loved ones are interested in your life.

Some of their questions are easy to answer. For example, “How was your flight?” or “Can you pass the gravy?” are pretty innocuous. But some conversational queries are dicier. Such as, ”Whom did you vote for?” (Yikes) or “Are you dating anyone?” (Ouch) or “Are there any vegetarian options?” (Whoops)  

But if you’re a vaper, we’re pretty sure you might have an awkward question of your own that needs asking, “Can I vape at the table?”

It seems minor, but depending on your crowd, your setting, and even what you’re vaping, that’s a valid question. Here are a few pointers to help determine whether you need to go cold turkey on Thanksgiving, or, post-turkey, take your vape out into the cold.

Ask in Advance

Always, always, always ask beforehand if it’s OK to vape inside in front of everyone. Who should you ask? The hosts, definitely.

Think about it: it’s their house, not to mention their food you are eating. They make the menu, the guest list, the table setting and all the other rules. If they don’t want you to wear shoes in the house, you take them off. If they want to say grace before breaking bread, you close your eyes and give thanks.

Remember, some people consider vaping and smoking to be one and the same (we know they’re not, but they may not know). In order to be fair to the other guests (and to set a good example for the children of guests) you may be asked to get up from the table to tend to your vaping business. If they prefer you pass on the use of nicotine products at the eating area, we encourage you to respect your host’s wishes. If that’s the case, here’s some advice on what to do next.

Find Safe Vape Spaces

Seek a compromise. Ask the host if there are any areas inside where you can vape, beyond the dining room table. If you’re having a Friendsgiving, it’s probably reasonable to inquire whether the living room is OK for vaping. If it’s a family event, maybe ask if it’s alright to dip out to the upstairs bathroom for a quick spell.

No Shame in Your Vape Game

What we suggest you DON’T do is sneak off and hide your vaping habit. Being transparent about vaping encourages an open dialogue and can go a long way in destigmatizing it. Being out about your vaping opens the doors for people to ask you questions like, “why did you start vaping?” or perhaps the most important question, “can I use vaping to quit smoking?”

Another reason not to hide it is this: Maybe another member of the vape fam is actually part of your real fam and you guys didn’t even know it. You two can offer each other camaraderie. Maybe you can even exchange vaping tips, which might be a welcome break from talking about the football game.

Don’t Vape

There’s still a chance your host will still say no, nada, nyet to your request to vape anywhere inside. So then what? Then, nothing. No means no. And you should respect your host’s wishes and take it outside. You can go an hour or two without a drag for your kin, right? Right. And if you really need a mental break from all the wacky family dynamics, go to the bathroom, turn on the shower and scream as loud as you need to.


If You Get A Yes

Then vape! But do it responsibly. Remember that while your hosts control the rules of the home, they can’t control how others may feel about your vaping. Don’t overdo it, and answer any questions about vaping as truthfully (and concisely) as you possibly can.

Heck, even get a bit festive and grab an e-liquid flavor to stay in theme with the occasion. We like Cranberry Apple Menthol by One Hunnid or Maple Butter by Coastal Clouds. You can also read our guide to thanksgiving e-liquid recommendations.

We hope you enjoy your holidays responsibly and courteously and have an easy Breazy Thanksgiving!