Oculus - Northern Lights Vapor Co Review


21st Mar 2016

Oculus - Northern Lights Vapor Co

Northern Lights' Oculus places a heavy focus on the cereal vape flavor profile. With its pungent, fruit-based cereal, Oculus delivers one of the strongest-tasting vape liquids we've seen in the cereal category.

Unlike other fruity cereal vapes chasing dominant flavors such as apple and banana, Oculus delivers heavily on citrus notes, which makes for a lovely change of pace. After a hundred-plus different e-juices sent to us for sampling in the cereal category, getting one with a citrus note is a welcome change.

Milky and grainy, Oculus combines superior flavor extracts that transcend your expectation of what a cereal vape should be. Oculus is in a league of its own because, frankly, the cereal category has become overpopulated by what's seemingly the same recipe, the same experience, and the same ingredients. Having a new vision via Oculus gives us reason to pick up an almost-tired genre, because it gives the cereal spectrum a whole new life.