Study Concludes Using Vaping Products Helps With Quitting Cigarettes


28th Jan 2018

Study Concludes Using Vaping Products Helps With Quitting Cigarettes


Study Concludes Using Vaping Products Helps With Quitting Cigarettes

In the last few years there have been a plethora of studies that have emerged looking at different methods to kick the cigarette habit, a proven way to avoid cancer-related illnesses and death. As the vaping industry boom continues, more and more studies are all pointing to the same conclusion: vaping leads to positive changes when you’re trying to quit.  

A recent study reinforced these conclusions about vaping and its effects on smokers looking to quit: the study is called “A Naturalistic, Randomized Pilot Trial of E-Cigarettes: Uptake, Exposure, and Behavioral Effects” and it was published online by the American Association for Cancer Research.

The study concludes that cigarette smokers are willing to use personal vaporizers, with electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) that trend towards a reduction in cigarette smoking and that using those ENDS show “positive changes in cessation-related behaviors.”

The Study

Published in December of 2017, the study presented a randomized and “naturalistic trial” using vapes and other electronic devices to see how using those devices could result in a more positive cessation process.

The trial was conducted with 68 adult smokers who had minimal vape experience prior to the study. Forty-six participants were given vapor products, while 22 participants were kept as a control group. These two groups were assessed over the course of four weeks via daily diary entries and periodic laboratory visits. Halfway through the trial, the nicotine level was changed from 16mg to 24mg so that different strengths of nicotine could be measured against the smoking control group.

The study focused mostly on uptake and usage of the electronic vape products, the cessation-related outcomes, and the exposure to smoke constituents. This basically looks at how much a smoker, when exposed and given a vape, self-weans off using cigarettes.


Not surprisingly, everyone that was given a vaping product used it at least once throughout the clinical trial, and about 48 percent of the smokers used the products throughout the entire initial 16mg trial period. When the nicotine dosage was upped from 16mg to 24mg, the percentage of smokers that used the product throughout the entire study dropped to 30 percent.

Interestingly, when the group was given the 24mg dosage of nicotine, 57 percent of the group made independent purchases of vape products, as opposed to 28 percent when the group were vaping 16mg of nicotine.

Smokers in both groups significantly reduced their smoking, whereas control participants did not. Cessation behaviors (quit attempts, biologically verified abstinence) numerically but not statistically favored the participants who were given vaping products.


This is another study that shows the positive effects that access to vaping systems can have on smokers who are looking to quit cigarettes. Here at Breazy we support cessation of traditional cigarettes and offer various testimonials and guides to help smokers that are looking to quit. Quitting can be a long and difficult process, but scientific studies have shown time and again that vaping makes that process easier.