CBD Intro: The Truth Behind CBD

Abigail At Breazy

7th Oct 2016


The Truth Behind CBD

Chances are, you've heard of 'CBD oils' in one way or another. Maybe you've stumbled across them looking for nicotine-based e-liquids. Perhaps you're already familiar with cannabis products in one form or another. Today, we're going to start a deeper dive into cannabidiol (CBD) and its relation to the vape world.

First, CBD is a cannabinoid, one of 113 active substances found in the compounds of its mother plant. The substance accounts for up to 40 percent of extracts from the plant. But what does it do?


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Secondly, CBD is not psychoactive – it doesn't the psychoactive compounds of THC. It is, however, believed to have a host of medical uses, including a reduction in anxiety, epileptic and psychotic episodes and alleviation of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer treatment. Some have even posted (without thorough clinical trials) that it can combat tumor and cancer cells. Testimonials of users of CBD can be found far and wide across the internet, its supporters range in age and experience but unanimously seem to all agree on the benefits of using CBD.

While CBD is most commonly referred to as an 'oil,' which we all know is hazardous to vape, extracts from the plant for vape use are diluted with the same propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin (PG and VG), along with PG-based flavorings used in the e-liquids used by most vapers. While the actual essential oil content is often low, we encourage you to do your own research before deciding if the benefits of vaping CBD outweigh the risks for your personal situation.


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Just like many other vapers who originally discovered vapor products in their quest to quit using tobacco, CBD is somewhat new to us. Watch in the coming weeks as we learn together and start exploring the potential benefits of this additive to our vape tanks.